Marie Heinekenplein 30-31, 1072 MH Amsterdam +31 (0)20 – 470 41 44

Water for charity

Support a good cause by ordering a bottle of healthy tab water at restaurant Barca.

Per 1 january 2020 restaurant Barca will charge a small fee for a bottle of tab water. The entire fee will be donated to a charity of your choice. We would like to raise awareness for the fact that tab water helps our environment and it´s also very tasty. While helping our environment we will then also collectively do something for charity; together with our dear guests.

Order tab water at Restaurant Barca for good cause and for a better environment

When you order a bottle of tab water we will ask you for a small fee. The fee will be donated to a charity of your choice. 

Restaurant Barca supports 4 different charities with the contribution for tab water

If you order tab water you can choose which charity you like to support. We collaborate with 4 different charities:

Maak hier je keuze:

  • 1. De Johan Cruyff Foundation (67%, 2 Votes)
  • 3. The Donkey Sanctuary (33%, 1 Votes)
  • 2. De Voedselbank (0%, 0 Votes)
  • 4. The Ocean Clean Up (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3


1. De Johan Cruyff Foundation

Ongeveer 22 jaar geleden, in 1997, kwam de droom van Johan Cruijff, één van de grootste voetballers aller tijden, uit. Met de oprichting van de Johan Cruyff Foundation kon hij sport en kinderen met elkaar verbinden. Die droom begon in Amerika, waar Johan een buurjongetje had met het syndroom van down. Hij speelde niet mee met de andere kinderen op straat, omdat hij niet werd opgenomen in de groep. Johan maakte op speelse manier contact met hem, won zijn vertrouwen en het jochie ontwikkelde zich steeds meer. Op een dag speelde hij gewoon mee en straalde van oor tot oor. Voor Johan was de kracht van sport bewezen.
Door te sporten leren kinderen, met en zonder beperking, hun talenten te ontdekken en krijgen ze zelfvertrouwen. Dit zelfvertrouwen draagt bij aan hun ontwikkeling binnen de maatschappij. Sinds 2016 moeten we Johan zelf helaas missen, maar zijn visie en vastberadenheid zet zich voort via de Johan Cruyff Foundation.

Voor meer informatie over de Johan Cruyff Foundation klik je hier


2. The Voedselbank Amsterdam

Barca selected The Voedselbank to support disadvantaged people in The Netherlands. Did you know that almost 1 million people in our tiny country live under the poverty level? And did you know that nobody had to be hungry in case we would share our food leftovers? 

That would be good for the people as well as for our environment. Volunteers at The Voedselbank Amsterdam hand out food every day to those in need. Companies, associations, governments and individuals collect money to facilitate these people with healthy and nutritious meals. 

For more information please check here


3. The Donkey Sanctuary

The Catalan donkey is officially a protected animal and also the symbol of Catalunya. The donkey was about to die out and that´s why 2 young people designed a special sticker with the silhouette of the donkey back in 2004. This image became within no time super popular and after the donkey became the official symbol of Catalunya. 

By donating to this charity you will help the donkeys. The Donkey Sanctuary takes care of abandoned donkeys and donkeys that were mistreated. They also take care of donkeys that are used for business purposes to carry freight. 

The Donkey Sanctuary also teaches owners of donkeys how to take care of their animals. Of course the Sanctuary also protests against animal abuse. By donating you will help The Donkey Sanctuary who operates worldwide. 

For more information about The Donkey Sanctuary click here


4. The Ocean Clean Up

Water for clean water. Every year tons and tons of plastic get dumped in to our oceans. This plastic will never disappear on its own. To make our oceans cleaner again we need to take action. The Ocean Cleanup is a non profit organisation. They work with very advanced technologies to clean our oceans so our oceans can become healthy and strong again. 

For more information about The Ocean Cleanup check here 

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